HomeŽička kartuzija / Carthusian MonasteryProjekt / ProjectPartnerji / Partners


Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije je skupaj s pojektnima partnerjema BAM iz Berlina in Univerzo iz Pavije uspešno kandidiral na razpisu 'Kultura 2000 - Evropski dediščinski laboratorij za leto 2005' s projektom Revitalizacija Žičke kartuzije.

Na ravni Evropske komisije poteka program Kultura 2000 preko Generalnega sekretariata za izobraževanje in kulturo ter podpira projekte, ki s svojo vsebino prispevajo k razvoju in razširjanju inovativnih konceptov, metod ter tehnik s področja konzervatorstva - restavratorstva na evropski ravni.

V okviru predlaganega projekta bo interdisciplinarna skupina strokovnjakov s področja družboslovnih in naravoslovnih ter tehničnih ved raziskovala historične materiale, konstrulcijo stavbnega tkiva, arheologijo in stavbni razvoj zgornjega samostanskega kompleksa Žičke kartuzije s poudarkom na cerkvi sv. Janeza Krstnika.

Namen raziskav pa ni vzpostavitev prvotnega stanja samostana, pač pa  z novimi argumenti poudariti njegovo izjemnost in ga v vsej mističnosti približati obiskovalcem, lokalni skupnosti pa omogočiti aktivno vključevanje v razvoj kraja, predvsem preko pestrejše kulturno-turistične  ponudbe tega območja.


The Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute together with its project partners  BAM, Berlin and the Pavia University has successfully taken part in the Culture 2000 concourse with its project Revitalization of the Carthusian  Monastery  at Žiče.

On the level of the European Commission the programme Culture 2000 takes place through the Directorat - General for Education and Culture. It supports projects which contribute to the development and spreading of  innovative concepts, methods and techniques from the field of preserving and renovation in Europe.

In the framework of the suggested project the interdisciplinary group of experts from the fields of sociology and natural and technical sciences will research historic materials, the construction of building tissue, archeology and the buidling development of the Upper Monastic Complex of the Monastery at Žiče with the stress on St. John the Baptist church.

The purpose of the research is not restoration of the original state of the monastery. The purpose lies in stressing its exceptionality with new arguments, to bring its mysticism closer to the masses and to enable the local community to take an active part in the development of their town, especially through richer cultural and tourist activities in  the area.


Številka pogodbe/Contract number: 2005 - 0817/001 - 001 CLT - CA31

Trajanje projekta/Executing: 2005 - 2006

Last update:  11:14 10/08 2006
  Pavia Pavia Pavia